This was the Surrey Young Artist-in-Residence programme, with a total of four towns to choose from. It was also necessary to apply and attend several interviews almost six months before the event to ensure that the work you wanted to create is accessible to all. My theme was how to create your own paper from the kitchen towel that every family uses. For my work I have incorporated elements of nature that I have been studying, creating a very long piece of paper covered with annual rings, which was arranged in the venue. The process of creation allows anyone who was interested to work with their own hands to draw the annual rings on paper, so that each pattern was unique.
Two workshops were held during the event, one for adults and one for children, where participants could walk around the garden and choose the plants they wanted to put in the paper and finally make their own paper. Finally, everyone's work was displayed at the opening tea party to show visitors how easy it is to create and to give everyone the opportunity to make their own paper at home.
